Our service department consists of highly motivated and skilled mechanics. These mechanics are trained in such a way that they can help you in all facets, such as product optimization, training, repairs and maintenance.
For support, please contact our service department. You can reach us from Monday till Friday 7.30 am till 16:30 pm CET.
Our goal is to help you with your question as quickly and adequately as possible. We want our customers to be satisfied with our machines and the related service.
Our service managers Jan and Marco will be pleased to assist you.
+31 (0)53 850 7760 –
If we want to remotely watch with you on the PC of your machine we ask you to check if teamviewer is installed on the PC otherwise you can use the link below to install the appropriate teamviewer program.
Our services:
We can perform maintenance on your machine upon request. A service contract can also be created for this purpose.
Standard parts will be replaced, and the machine is examined according to a checklist. Once your machine has been approved, it will be ready to serve you for a long time to come.
We can also provide training for your staff to gain maximum usage of your Dynobend bending machine.
This training is given when the machine is delivered to your location by Dynobend. Thereafter, additional training can always be provided upon request.
Let us know how we can help you and we will prepare an appropriate training at your location.
The training is provided by one of our experienced service technicians.
If you want to do more with your machine, additional tooling is often needed or if a part wears out, you can call on our service department.
Together with our engineers, a suitable solution is designed and a quotation will be prepared.
Always feel free to tell us what you need.
The controls of a machine may be discontinued after a certain amount of time, and if the machine fails, it may not be repairable because parts are no longer available.
The machines can be retrofitted preventively, even those still supported by MS-DOS.
Our service managers can inform you about this.
We can also provide you with a spare-parts list, which includes the parts of the machine that need to be replaced after a certain period of time.
The advantage of this being that parts can be replaced faster and there will be no waiting time for parts.
Please ask our service department for this list.